quinta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2007

Drinking improves memory !

There it was at Terra.com from the news agency EFE. (sorry, could not found a link in english).

A study in New Zealand proves that the moderate consumption of wine stimulates memory. The classic one or two glasses of wine a day, besides being good for the heart, can help memory.

This does not knock down the belief that one drinks to forget, because two servings of wine are nothing!

But then came the "matador".

Sadly, the study atests that the immoderate consumption harms the neurons, not news. But in contrast with popular belief, only proves that getting hammered does not erase memory. Only the ones from the miscues that one makes when lush (works for me).
Therefore, one does not drink to forget. He drinks (a lot) to get drunk.

What sounds logical in any place in the world but Islamic nations and Utah.

Once again contradicting “Drinking to forget”, the study proves that booze
strengthens BAD memories.

Again, not so surprising since explains why all boozers are so boring!

The study hopefully will lead to the development of new treatments for memory problems and Alzheimer's.

Meanwhile, I that firmly believe that the human being learns more from its errors. Will continue my quest for self improvement. Making an effort to learn with my former problems and commit myself to even more wrongdoing helped by ethylic panacea.

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